Tuesday, December 29, 2015

So what!

So what if he left!
So what if he once cared!
So what if he provided it all!
If his heart and his body
Was sinfully shared.

So what if he was once so gentle!
So what if the past memories were the best!
So what if it was all so perfect back then!
If he's really not in it anymore
And you keep losing rest.

Baby you're beautiful!
And you better know that's true
His once every other night mistakes
Don't define you!
You've put up with so much
And I know right now it hurts like hell
But you can't keep torturing yourself
While your heart spends eternity in jail
You're so much better than that
Better than the constant slaps in the face
It's time to give up that toxic relationship
And walk into life with complete grace.

Just think about all of the pain and hurt
Everything that you've been through
He was a coward for how he treated you
Baby girl, aren't you through?!
For the times that he pushed you in the corner
For the time he clipped you on your nose
Or the time he put you out of the house
And your toes were frozen cold...
For every time he gave another 'the eye'
And then acted upon it with his hand on her bosom
Honey, don't be fooled by his kindness now
Here, there's no confusion.

But let's forget about him for a minute
Let's pretend he doesn't even exist
Without him would you not feel freedom
Instead of those marks on your wrists?
Baby, who are you?
Really, who are you on the inside?
A girl who sits in a puddle of guilt
Or a woman who walks with pride?
Yes, the road ahead is going to be hard
There's a solid rocky road ahead
But each and every day gets a little easier
Once you dismiss all that he's put in your head.

For once you have to put yourself first
Give your soul what it craves and wants
People will say what they want, but as long as you're safe
So what!

Monday, December 28, 2015

To Know You.

I don't even know you
But I feel like I've known you my whole life
Your very being intrigues me
Your mere breathing simply defines
Everything I've ever wanted
Your soul, so pure and clean
A heart of gold that's filled with insight
Why've you waited so long to come here
And breakthrough my world just right?
The blooming sunflower in my frozen forest
There used to be pure darkness
But the tunnel is becoming so much clearer
There's a light shining over me
As you take leaps and bounds to come nearer
And I'm beginning to feel found again...

It feels so good and has me questioning...
Like, where have you been all my life?
Like when I was experiencing so much strife?
Why did I have to go through so much pain back then?
Just to experience your greatness?
Why do you see exactly what I see in myself?
Beauty, gorgeousness, intelligence, strength and health?
How did you quickly go from a distant stranger?
To being my hero and soldier?
I mean, is this all so very real?
Or is it just another trick to see how long it will take me to heal?
On a positive note, you're so perfect and how can that be?
And out of all of my beautiful sisters, why did you choose me?

I'm sure to every question, you have an answer...
And there's so much for us to discover
I'm anticipating every moment to be in your presence
And sit on the edge of my seat to listen to every single word.