Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lust's Burn

What ever happened to us?
We were so full of lust
Just beginning to trust
Again, yes again
For you, I had a crush
For a second, it felt like love
But we were foolish to rush
Into something that was more than enough

But at the wrong time
I miss your touch
Your hands caressing my face
Putting my mind into another place
This was always the case
My heart racing at an uncontrollable pace
Toxic, but I would chase
Something that was so out of place
For my character was one of grace
Not lustful and sex crazed

Damn those lips though
Take me to places I need not go
In your arms things seemed under control
But everything felt so wrong in my soul
I knew my answer should have been no
But you kissed me once and my heart turned to gold
Maybe it was tarnished, because I couldn't hold
The pain that came to my heart from lust's scold
Everything felt so good
Except the death that came to me when I said yes, knowing I should have said no.

Monday, November 18, 2013

'Love'ly Future...

I'm experiencing feelings I never felt before
I want you so badly, my heart is sore
I want to spend every moment with you, of course
And even after forever, I want more.
You're the best I ever had
And yet the one I never had
But I've never wanted someone so bad
It fills my heart with joy, and yet I'm so sad
Because nothing is yet official
Although I stay prayed up and wishful
It's clear as a crystal
That we can be something special.
Because the way your eyes glare at me
Tell me that you'll always be there for me
Even if I dared to leave
You wouldn't give up on me.
You'd treat me like a queen
I would never starve for my needs
Your open heart would listen to me
And encourage me when I'm weak.
But most of all, you love Jesus!
Who came for us, to free us
And through His power you would lead us
And I'm thankful, for it is only through Him that there can be an 'us'
So, who knows what the future holds
I have an idea, but He knows
The same God who poured out fishes and loaves
Not worried because everything He touches turns to gold.

Side note:
I'm hoping to grow old with you
Maybe birth a kid or two
Love, laugh, cry together, us two
Just to name a few....

Saturday, November 9, 2013


The last love that I had
Was the love of my life
And it hurt me so bad
When he couldn't do right
Fast forward a year
The stuff still hurts
But I'm done shedding the tears
He didn't live up to my worth
Now I'm out on the scene
Yeah I'm dating again
Met so many guys unclean
I'd rather be by myself, than to get hurt in the end
So now, I'm sitting and thinking
I might end up alone forever
And with this heart that is sinking
It's better than a pointless endeavor
I'm a hopeless romantic
I want a love that will last
Not another lunatic
That's just a repeat of my past
Who cares who you are
My heart can be as cold as a stone
If I can't have the best of you
Then I'd much rather be alone
I don't mean to be rude
But I keep my standards high
Not looking for just another dude
If it's not for me, I'll say good-bye
Because I've already been through hell
And I'm only looking for truth
And I refuse to settle
If you ain't for me, I ain't for you.