Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Trust Fall

I loved good once
At least I thought I was living
I thought I was in love
Until I noticed his heart was disappearing
I invested my life
And got nothing in return
Now I just don't trust anyone
So I don't have to worry about getting burned
Some say that's playing it safe
But I'd rather spend my nights balling
Than to take a chance on trusting again
Just to end up falling

But I met a man
At first I wasn't sure if he was my type
But the more we conversed
The more things about him I began to like
I can be myself around him
I can truly just be me
It's a joy I can barely describe
With him I just feel free
We can laugh together
I can share my successes and dreams
And every time he calls
My smile just widens and beams

I love so many things about him
There're so many to describe
Like the way he gives great hugs
And the way I catch him staring at me with those eyes
The way we laugh together
Making me feel like we've known each other forever
And the way he can respond so quickly
When I give a smart remark that I thought was clever
The way his amazing voice sings to me
Or when I'm with him, how he makes me feel protected
Complimenting me, grabbing my hand
Those things that would never make me feel rejected

He's just an amazing man
I don't even remember what it was like before
But I continue to struggle internally
Despite all of these things about him I adore
It's the infinite struggle within
That brings pain to my heart
Because I just want to love again
But opening myself up to trust again is hard
Is it worth stepping out on a limb?
Is it worth trying to give him my all?
Not knowing if it will work out
That's the trust fall...

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