Monday, July 27, 2015


The way you look into my eyes
The way your life stories are described
To know you're always reaching out
Because I'm always on your mind

The way you stare at me
The way you keep me laughing
Just being in your presence
Makes me so happy...

The way you can be serious for a while
But when you look up, you crack a smile
The way you simply admire
The fact that I can easily run for miles

The way you're so gentle with me
Even at times when you don't have the patience to be
To know you care that much about my feelings
Creates a light in my heart that's so happy...

The way you get into deep thought, and I wonder what you're thinking
The way you scroll through your phone and your eyes blinking
Everything about your mannerisms
Traps my heart into your quicksand and it's swiftly sinking

You say everything's so messed up, but I don't see what you see
All I know is everywhere you are, is exactly where I want to be
Because for the first time in forever
You're the one person to somehow make me happy...

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