Monday, October 12, 2015

Greatest Love of Mine...

Life is too short
Not to have it all
But sometimes it's a simple solution
Stop asking too small:

If I could have it all
To me, it would be a simple plan
Nothing too extravagant
Just simply wrapped up in a man.
He doesn't have to be Denzel
But his complexion and a nice smile wouldn't hurt
All of the following I wouldn't have to tell
Because he would shower me by knowing my worth.
Present me with sunflowers on a rainy day
Have the candles lit in the bathroom when I get home
Remind me how much he adores me are some things he'd say
And always make sure I never feel alone.
He'd always hold my hand tight in public
And give me gentle kisses on my forehead in private
Make me feel like the most important person to him would do it
Yeah, that would always do the trick.
He'd strive hard to deliver me the world
And maybe a couple of babies along the way
Maybe not always diamonds and pearls
But sacrifice eight hours of work, just so we could have a day.
He'd know exactly what to do to help me relax
Treat me like his one and only queen
He'd know how to gently set me straight when I don't have all of the facts
And I'd submissively listen because he's my king.
He'd continue to date me, even when we're old and gray
And would forever treat me as his most prized possession
And we'd have all amazing days
Until the day one of us are called to heaven.

But even on that painful day, one thing would remain true
We would've experienced the greatest love of all time
Our hearts and our souls would be at capacity, in how we grew
From him being the best and the greatest love of mine...

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