Thursday, June 27, 2013

Big Jerk: A letter for you!

What can I say?
I have a lot on my mind
I've been working so hard
And yet still made time
To come and see you, spend time with you
As much as I could
Though I knew I gave you more
Than I ever really should
The problem isn't you
No, the problem is me
Because no matter what I do
I'm always deceived
I mean I thought this would be awesome
I thought it would be a breeze
I only gave you the truth
And all you did was lie to me
I knew something was off
Yep, I knew it in my heart
But even though I sensed it
I ignored it from the start
I'm a bit disappointed
But I refuse to be hurt
Because I knew you were sketchy
And I know my self worth
It's just bizarre to me
How you can play around
Claim to be a man
But you're really just a clown
I'm really over it already
It's your loss, not mine
But be warned: when you search amongst the trash
You find what you find
I would say, I wish you the best
But I know I won't mean it
You've sown in the garbage
And so I hope you reap it
I'm still so in shock
I can't believe what I was thinking
If I hadn't wised up and spoke out
You would have robbed me without blinking
So this is it! I'm done!
I'm definitely through
I wish you nothing at all
But a big SCREW YOU!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Beautiful Girl

Hey beautiful girl!
Don't you know you're beautiful?
Although your clothes aren't perfect
And your hair isn't curled
You're still beautiful
You may not be the nicest in the world
Maybe mean to other little girls
But you're purposeful
Is that the way you want to act?
Always having to look over your back?
No, nobody wants to live like that
So why not act like you're beautiful?
Because things aren't perfect at home?
You always feel so alone?
Yes, I know you might feel pitiful,
But you don't have to be so strong
Because you already belong
To a king who is so amazingly beautiful.
Don't give your body away
Or lay down and let him fixate
No! No! That's not who you want to be girl
You were created to be loved
Seek it, grasp it, and then spread that love
To the city and the whole wide world
So don't look down on yourself
He is offering you His help
Because in His eyes, you are that beautiful, girl.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Second Chance

I loved you once
And I'd love you again
If only I was given
A second chance
I think about you constantly
And I don't know why
As much as I want the memories to stop
I couldn't stop them if I tried
But there's a problem here
You don't see it like I do
No calls, no texts, you don't pursue me
Do you really not like me the way I'm digging you?
See, the hard part for me
Is that there's a history here
We were hot and heavy once
But then it all disappeared
But a few weeks later
You left me a surprise
And when I saw the test
Tears just fell from my eyes
What had I done?
What was I thinking?
I mean, I did what we did
Without even blinking
What was I going to do?
My heart was on the floor
You quickly moved on with your life
And didn't quite love me anymore
I was lost, I was crushed
At a loss for words
I couldn't do this on my own
Having this baby would be absurd
I never did tell you
Because you just didn't seem to care
And brining you and this baby into it
At the time, just didn't seem fair
So I did what I did
And the moment it was done
I realized I committed a crime
That could never be undone
I cried my eyes out
On that day and for years
I've never hated myself so much
I've never shed so many tears
Then the phone rang
And it was you on the line
Saying that you wanted to see me
And to come over that day, some time
And so I did, I came
You immediately wanted my body parts
But the sad thing to me
Is you couldn't see my troubling heart
So, I left that night
And I never looked back
And throughout the years
I would seldom keep track
Until one interesting day
We began to speak again
It felt like the best day in years
And I didn't want it to end
So now I'm stuck
Because it's easy to fall for you
My mind tells me what I want
But my heart says what not to do
I just want to know you
In a different way
I really want to know you
So I'll be brave enough to say
That I once loved you
And I'd love you again
If only I was given
A second chance

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mystery Man

Mysterious man
You're a mystery to me
Because I've known you for a while
And you just didn't seem
So interested in this
Or interested in me
It's been so long ago
That we were on a team
Together, but separate
Trying to achieve the same dream
And now a decade later
To see all that we've achieved
I didn't see who you were then
Wait! Who is that? Could that be my dream?

Life is so incredible
Look where we are
We've been miles apart
And yet still not that far
I want to know all about you
I want to know your heart
But not if you'll hurt me
And create more scars
Imagine sitting on a lake
And lighting candles in mason jars
And just talk for hours and hours
And fall asleep under the stars
I imagine you'll be that gentleman
And hold me in your arms
And one that will believe in me
And encourage me to take my dreams far

I don't know where this will go
I don't know if this will be
Because you're still a mysterious man
You're still a mystery to me...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Bridge

There's a bridge between us
And it's here to stay
Because we just can't get along
And we're not on the same page
I can't even look at you the same anymore
I don't even want to see your face
You turned your back on us
And my love has been betrayed
I don't even know how you come back from that
You've become a disgrace
So there's clearly a gap
And I'm going to keep my space...

There's a bridge between us
And it's caused me some pain
You've lied to me so many times
That I'm convinced all my love was in vain
I gave you all of me
And you took advantage for your personal gain
Could you not have been the man you promised to be?
Instead of being a liar and wrecking my brain
You cheated and had another baby
And you continued to jerk my chain
You killed me this time
And the blood from my heart has everything stained.

There's a bridge between us
And it feels like a war
I hate you so much right now
And yet my heart is torn
Because no matter what, I kept up my end of the bargain
Even when you acted like a whore
I believed you so many times
Yes, I know now my decisions were poor
You couldn't just walk the straight and narrow
And take me to adore
I let you have the youth of my life
But the best years ahead, you won't have anymore.

There's clearly a bridge between us
But what is left to do?
I need some closure to this nonsense
I'm not even going to ask you to choose
I've made the decision for you
Since thanks to you, my heart is bruised
Just turn and walk away from what this once was
And don't even think to call me when you have the blues
We don't even have to fake around like it's ok
No we don't have to make a truce
Just accept what I'm about to say
Just accept the cold hearted truth
You are worthless
And in the end, you lose!

Writer's Block

I've got writer's block
And I don't know what to do
Nothing is coming to my mind
And it's all because of you
I put the pen in my hand
And all I can visualize is your face
I get flustered when I speak
And when I run, I can't keep up the pace
Because somehow
You've managed to take my breath away
You are just who you are
And I love the way you've been true since the first day
I'm not really even sure what to expect
But I do know how I feel
It's been a long time coming
But you've got me with your appeal
I want to take next steps with you
But I'm not one to ask
Won't you just continue to pursue me
And make that your most important task
See this is the reason why I can't focus
This is the reason why I can't concentrate
I get so nervous and excited
It's just too much on my brain
Will you love me like I need and want?
To me, will you flock?
Will you choose me?
These questions are my writer's block