Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Bridge

There's a bridge between us
And it's here to stay
Because we just can't get along
And we're not on the same page
I can't even look at you the same anymore
I don't even want to see your face
You turned your back on us
And my love has been betrayed
I don't even know how you come back from that
You've become a disgrace
So there's clearly a gap
And I'm going to keep my space...

There's a bridge between us
And it's caused me some pain
You've lied to me so many times
That I'm convinced all my love was in vain
I gave you all of me
And you took advantage for your personal gain
Could you not have been the man you promised to be?
Instead of being a liar and wrecking my brain
You cheated and had another baby
And you continued to jerk my chain
You killed me this time
And the blood from my heart has everything stained.

There's a bridge between us
And it feels like a war
I hate you so much right now
And yet my heart is torn
Because no matter what, I kept up my end of the bargain
Even when you acted like a whore
I believed you so many times
Yes, I know now my decisions were poor
You couldn't just walk the straight and narrow
And take me to adore
I let you have the youth of my life
But the best years ahead, you won't have anymore.

There's clearly a bridge between us
But what is left to do?
I need some closure to this nonsense
I'm not even going to ask you to choose
I've made the decision for you
Since thanks to you, my heart is bruised
Just turn and walk away from what this once was
And don't even think to call me when you have the blues
We don't even have to fake around like it's ok
No we don't have to make a truce
Just accept what I'm about to say
Just accept the cold hearted truth
You are worthless
And in the end, you lose!

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