Thursday, June 12, 2014

Love Do-Over

I look back over the years
And when I dry the tears
I spend the time to ponder
Why I have all of these fears
Fears of loving again
Afraid of being hurt again
All of these thoughts
That go into wanting to love a man...

I want the happily ever after
But it's the same thing I'm scared to go after
But I'd kill for the smiles, tears and joy
And I crave the laughter
The holding hands down the street
The little messages that are incredibly sweet
Just to have those things once in a lifetime
Would be the most amazing treat...

I've had the love that's messed up
I've had the love that's poor
I just want the love that's stuck
Can I just have a love do-over?

I've been hurt so many times
And I can't take anymore lies
I need the honesty, trust and truth
And I want your love that's only mine
I can't take getting smacked in the face
I can't spend time looking for you all over the place
I want what's mine to keep
And to feel comfortable sharing the same space...

I crave what lasts forever
I'd desire everything that you treasure
Just being a wife and a mother
Would be my pleasure
Just to be the love of your life
Your first and last wife
Nothing else would even matter
After our first married night...

Because I've had the love that's messed up
And I've had the love that's poor
But I just want the love that's stuck
So can I please have a love do-over?...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My Forever Forever

I know you love me
I know you'll love me forever
I know you'll rescue me
And we'll be together forever

We've never been introduced before
But I can't wait to meet you
I know everything about you, to the core
You'll never make me look like a fool
I'm in love with those eyes
And I love holding your hand
I can just stare all day at your smile
And I'm your biggest fan
I love how you hug me tight
I love how you always call me beautiful
I'm in love with falling asleep beside you every night
And you make my life so full
Those endless moments we laugh
And just the thought of those lips
During those intimate moments we have
Of innocent moments of love when we kiss
Just to feel wrapped up in your protection
Regardless of the circumstance
With no objection
Draws me even closer into your romance
My heart desires all of it now
And I can't wait to be with you
But somehow
I don't yet know you...

But I know you'll love me
And I know you'll love me forever
And I know when you rescue me
We will be together forever.

Broken Heart

In the late night hours
On a warm rainy day
When I've had a rough day
And I just need a laugh
When my brain is overwhelmed
And when my heart aches
When I just want to lay in the bed
I think about why you didn't stay

On the days that I smile
When my day is going perfectly
When nothing else matters
I see your face
When I'm on my run
Or when I take a picture
Every time I get ready to send a text
I think about why you didn't stay

Why did I have to fall for you?
Why did you choose to invade my life?
You have me looking like a fool
And crying out why

Why did I ever look into those eyes?
Why did we have this amazing spark?
I fell for all of those lies
And now I'm left with a broken heart...

When I'm surfing the internet
When I'm eating my food
When I'm drinking my beer
I still see you
When I think about going camping
When I take a ride to the lake
I suddenly begin to smile
And then my heart breaks

Because I fell for you
And I let you come into my life
Now you have me looking like a fool
And crying out why

I just had to gaze into those eyes
And we had this incredible spark
I fell for every single lie
And now I'm left here with a broken heart...

Trying to move forward has been so hard
Because you're always on my mind
Just when I think I've moved on
I rewind the hands of time
I've never missed somebody so much
I've never before fallen so hard
This feeling is incredibly insane
You completely stole my heart

Now, I feel nothing but pain
Because of all of the lies I told myself
Like you'd be around forever, even through the rain
And I could finally take my heart off the shelf
But it never works out
Love never works out for me
I wish you would've stayed longer, I wish you would've stuck around
But like the others, all you did was leave

Oh why did I fall for you?
And let you come into my life
I'm feeling like a fool
And crying out why

But when I gazed into those eyes
We had this everlasting spark
And I fell for all of the those lies
And now I'm left alone, with a broken heart...

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Feelings In The Storm

Man I thought having you an hour away was hard
But this week has been hardest of all
Sporadic texts and calls
Just frustrate me...and then the tears begin to fall
And as much as I want to reach out, I stall
Because I love you but I'm mad at you for nothing at all
And so I just withdraw
Just so you don't hear me bawl

Everything was going just right
Nobody else distracted my sight
You were nothing less than my protective knight
And I was feeling as high as a kite
Now everything's falling apart, nothing is tight
My heart is falling like a crashing flight
And my despair has me ready to fight
Because I'm just left of the memories of our loving nights

But you've decided to shut down on me
And I know that's how you deal with things
But I'm feeling like a millionaire among thieves
But I'm human too and I have feelings and needs
I just wish you would believe
That I would never hurt you or choose to deceive
The intimacy we've built so steep
What else do I have to do for you to trust me?

Up until this point, you've been amazing
The first person who has sent my heart racing
Baby, no matter what you're facing
I want to be the one supporting you in the ring
Can't you see this isn't just some fling?
I hate having the thought that you're somewhere struggling
Because it's got me at home worrying
And all I want to be is near you, loving...

Anyway, I just want you to realize and see
That you don't have to be alone in this thing
I'm not the kind that gets scared and flees
But I love even harder when the shit is cloudy
I hate feeling the way I've felt this week
And my stomach and heart have been so weak
Really all I wish to seek
Is my KGM back here with me...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Your Pain is My Pain

It's crazy how things change
Your life is rearranged
At the blink of an eye
With no explanation as to why
Stuff just turned upside down
And suddenly nobody seems around
Everything just seems so jacked up
And all that is left is a memory of what was once us...

Dame all of this crap!
Damn feeling like you're trapped!
Forget what feels like a scary dream
As we take a minute just to scream
Ahhhhh!!!!  Whyyyyy!!!! Why now!!!?
I was doing good, but still ended up here somehow
Can't I just live in peace?
Without dealing with this baggage following me?...

I'm done with my head hanging low
I'm done with this depression trying to grow
I'm giving it all to you, Father
Because You are the Finisher and the Starter
My heart is pained and my mind is blown
And I've realized I an't do this alone
God, you have to take over for this guy
So that we can truly experience this life...

Romans 8: 1-2  1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not work according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.  2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.