Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Man's Pursuit

Can't you see who I am?
Don' you notice my worth?
Don't you know, I'm the greatest
Of my Father's female births?
He made me to shine
He made me unique
And if you noticed all of that
You would also know to pursue me.

I was not meant to chase
I was not meant to hover
Over some man who has other plans
Other than me, to discover
I was meant to be noticed
Not having to prove myself to you
I was made to fall deeply
But only if pursued.

I was made to stand out
Share my voice and cry my pain
I was made to receive love
And to give love that's not in vain
I was made to be a light
Amongst all things subdued
But my future can be much brighter
If only pursued by you.

The truth is, I could beg
But that's not living up to my worth
Plus I'm so much greater than that
Proven since the creation of earth
I was meant to be your's forever
Once your eyes laid on me from your view
Nothing will ever break our bond
But first, you must pursue.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Over the Struggle

The say
Behind every good man
There's a good woman
But what if I'm not as good as I seem?
Out here searching for something
That's only temporarily gratifying
My body feels good
While my soul is dying
I got you thinking I'm an angel
While I really can't stand you
You wouldn't know
Because you're watching from a different angle
I'm out here gasping for air
From my heart being strangled
I have this lust inside my heart
Can't you see it in my eyes?
Thought you recognized it form the start
Or are you also in disguise?
Afraid of being judged
By all of the good guys
Or all of the good girls
Who don't even know we're barely getting by
But thank God for the Savior
Yes, I call Him my Saver
Because He dragged me out
From all of my sinful labor
I was headed towards hell
And would still be now
If He wouldn't have given me the courage to rebel
I thank my God everyday
From freeing me from my sin
I no longer feel like I'm trapped in a jail cell
I have the freedom to take a stand
To show my children
And everybody else that I can
Be a good woman
That stands behind my only man...Jesus!   

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dear Future Husband

Dear future husband,
There's so much I want to say to you
So please listen in close
I'm excited about you
I've never been so in love
I know, it's hard to believe that I've never been close
You came just at the right time
I had almost given up
And thought you would never arrive
Over the years, it's been crazy
Went through hell and back
But I thank God that I survived
I've waited for you my entire life
And I can't believe it
You're so beautiful
You're everything I've ever imagined
You make me so happy
And my life is full
I want to spend every moment with you
Clenched hand-in-hand
And gazing in each other's eyes
My love in your heart
And your love in mine
With God making sure our love never dies
I want to lay on your chest
And hear your heartbeat
Until I fall asleep
Hating to imagine my life
Living a life without you
Because our love runs so deep
I miss you already
And I don't even know you yet
But I can't wait for that day
Going to the ends of the earth, just for you
And love you with all I am 
In every possible way...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Perfect First Date...

Nerve clenching moment 
With all of the anxiety built up
So excited, I have butterflies
And I can't get enough
Began prepping two hours ahead of time
All the pressure was tough
Left home feeling so beautiful
But now there's all the other stuff...

Then the nervous doubt creeps in
Like, what if I'm too tall?
What if he's not interested in what I have to say?
What if he doesn't think I'm pretty at all?
What if he doesn't show up?
And doesn't even call?
But then I take a deep breath and tell myself
"Just be you and don't stall.

Everything will be fine.
It's you he chose."
And then he entered into the restaurant
With a perfect long stem rose
My heart just melted
So joyful, I almost froze
But then he wrapped his arms around me with a hug
And I began to feel my toes.

The conversation was great
And he had the most gorgeous eyes
He was just so handsome
But not to my surprise
He was also so smart
And said things that were wise
This was going to be great
He gave all the right signs.

Three hours later
The first date nerves were gone
We said our goodbyes
And nothing had gone wrong
Now, hopeful for a second date
Hoping it won't be too long
But that night, I fell asleep with a smile on my face
Looking at my rose and listening to love songs...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Daddy's Girl

To the prettiest girl,
You are the best, don't you know?
You have high expectations
And you're setting your goals
You work so hard
And your talent shows
You're the best you, you can be
Continue to grown.

You are the prettiest girl
Yes, inside and out
You know what love is
And you embody what love's about
You're the best lover around
Without a shadow of a doubt
When you're in the room, there's a glow
Even when the lights are out.

You are the prettiest girl
From your head to your feet
You carry yourself well
Standing 8 inches over 5 feet
But even your little yard
You call her your 'mini me'
She adores you so much
Because your love for her runs deep.

Most of all, you are the prettiest girl
Because of who's your Daddy
Despite all of your flaws
Because you are in Him, He's happy
Giving new life in your children
Is most important above all things
It's only because of Him
That you can be every and anything.

If you didn't know,
You are the prettiest girl
You're so radiantly beautiful
You are adorned more than pearls
It manifests on the inside
But is seen in your smile, eyes and hair that curls
But know that you are amazingly beautiful
Because you are the Father's little girl.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Just what are we doing?
Are we about to ruin
Everything we once were?
Because we chose this decision?
And I'm still not sure what we're choosing
We're not together
But we're using
Each other for some pleasure
In things we probably should not be doing
But we fall every single time
Because our flesh keeps on refusing
To live the way we ought
Don't get me wrong, I'm not excusing
What I've done, but I'm distraught
Because this is not what my Daddy taught
And yet, I'm ruining my days
And at the same time, you got me in a daze
Because I dream and think of you
It feels like more than just a phase
You have your hook in my spine
And I let this happen, I'm so amazed
You see, I fell for you hard
In love, like a little girl in a leotard
I'm so far gone
I didn't even realize you left me in the yard
By myself, that felt so lonely
Because I let down my guard
And now everything I thought was free
I now know was charged
To me and my feelings
I tried so hard to keep it real and
I failed miserably
Because now I'm drowning in the deep end
And I can't tell if you're seeing
Me dying while I'm peeping
At you ignoring me as you're leaving
That's really the only reason
I only love for a season
And it hurts to know I'm faking
And holding these feelings in, I'm shaking
Because I want to express what's aching
When we lay down together
And I convince myself it's lovemaking
But in reality, I love
And yet I'm not sure if you're just taking
What I throw at you and give
This isn't how we're supposed to live...
I would give you my all
If I just knew you would fall
On one knee
And plea to me
To be your everything and all
But it feels like a far-fetched dream
I look at you; you look at me
And I know that we could be
But you'll never ask me...
What is a girl to do?
I'm damaged inside
I fell in love again
And it cost me my pride
Why did I even try?
I felt this way before
It hurt like hell the first time
But still, I reopened the door
And everyday still, I want more
I have to stop myself now
Before I rob myself blind
I have to end this with you now
I know that it's time...
But I just can't...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My Dream...

Of the things I dream of most
Love is on the highest post
I dream of you and I on the coast
And in love we boast
I dream of laughting and celebrating as hosts
And I smile your way when you give a toast
In front of family, friends and other folks
When I dream of a dream, I suppose...

Of the things I dream to reach
Your hands included with a walk on the beach
And express your love for me
As I hang on to every little word of your speech
And all of the other things you aim to teach
Nothing capable of bringing our commitment to a breach 
Every day as simple as sharing a peach
These just being some of the things I dream...

Of all the things I dream, I dream of you
The two of us forever is the perfect view
Sailing on a sea of dreams, just us two
Candlelit dinners, flowers, and a gentle kiss, to name a few
Adding a couple more kids to our crew
Tying the knot first, and I'm not talking about shoes
Your spirit is with me and I already love you
This coule be less of a dream, if only you, I knew...