Thursday, May 30, 2013

You're Remembered...

I always remembered you
Never forgot you
We haven't spoken in years
And yet, I would often think about you
It wasn't right then
But now it feels so right
For us to have parted ways
Just for us to get back tight
The time we spent together
Created so many memories
I can just sit back in a daze
And spend hours daydreaming
The way you used to sing to me
The way you would dance around me
Your flirtatious ways, oh you flirt!
It all just brings a smile upon my face
How could I be so stupid before?
Not to choose you first
I have little regrets in this life
But that is by far the worst
I still don't know all of you
But I have a feeling about this one
I just want to spend time with you
The excitement has just begun
You are so hard to forget
You are so many things that I desire
Can we discover this thing together
And from dating other people, fully retire?
Just say yes to it all
I'm not saying that you are the one
But we can find that out right?
In the mean time, let's just have fun!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Lost In Transition

Sad one day
Happy the next
Not knowing how I should feel
When I receive a text
Everything's a wreck
But why does it have to be
I didn't create any of this
It just all happened to me
I'm so confused...going here and there
When the truth is, I just want to flee
I can't take this anymore
You win! Just take it all away from me!
I'm a loser! I give up! I'm no longer in position
To give love anymore....I'm lost with you. I'm lost without you.
I'm simply lost in transition.

I used to love hard
I used to love to love some more
But you took that from me
I can't love anymore
One minute you make me feel great
The next minute you make me sick
Now when I have the chance to get close to anyone
I start to panic
I drink to make the pain go away
But the truth is, the pain remains
My heart is forever damaged
I'm emotionally stained and drained
Why is this all happening?
Can't I do a new rendition?
I wish I could do it all over without you
So I wouldn't be lost in this transition.

So now we're here
I hate you so much
I never thought I'd ever feel that way about you
I dream of hurting you and such
You obviously don't have a heart
I'm not sure you ever had one in your possession
I imagine if you did
You would have thought twice about your decisions
My heart hopes you feel all of this pain
And that you experience all you've put me through
Maybe then, just maybe then
We can call it a truce
I hope someone severely breaks your heart
I hope you are left standing with nothing in your possession
I hope you cry until our heart bursts out
And I hope you get to feel what it's like to be lost in transition.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Confused Attraction

Why do we have a fascination with things
And why do we want to be around people
Who are just so wrong for you and me?
You're so beautiful, angelic even
And yet, you're an open flame
And I'm a tank of gasoline.

Together, we are just or could be a disaster
Together, we are just or could be a ball of fun
We'd just be so wrapped up in each other...laughing
Enjoying every minute we have together
Doing so many things so wrong for the both of us
But as sweet as salt water taffy.

The memory of your face is stuck in my head
Seeing your lips smile back at me
Looking at your happiness at the ice cream shop
Holding your hand and feeling so safe there
Thinking about how the smell of your cologn drove me crazy
Deep down inside I don't want the memories to stop.

But the truth is, I'm no good for you
And honestly, you're no good for me
But we both know we want each other desperately
Why do we attract so strong to each other
Why can't we just stay away from each other?
This has the potential of ending disastrously

I'm talking in circles, what does all of this mean?
I keep attaching to you, just from your call
You just have some kind of hold on me
And it scares me so
The fact is, we are simply bad for one another
Man, oh man, please somebody help me!

Farewell To Your Love

Love, why do you haunt me so?
Knowing if you show your face
I'll quickly go
Just stay away
Stay away from me
I can't take another hustle of the heart or a heartbreak
But there you go knocking at my door
Expecting me to open my arms and give you my hand
And dance with you on the dance floor
Just turn and walk away from me
I've been let down so many times
I'm damaged goods, don't you see?
My heart, oh my heart, can't take more pain
If I focus on all I have to lose
There are no benefits or anything to gain
I'm perfect being alone
Because I don't have to worry about the lies
And him not answering his phone
And I'm just peachy with the way I look
I look good and stay in shape for me
Not for him making me feel I need to be that girl in the book
I can think for myself
And I have for a very long time
I don't need your sense of direction or to tell me to organize my shelf
Don't you see, I don't need you, I never really did
You just helped me to lose who I am
And I found myself way off the grid
Please just leave, I don't want to be rude
I love to love love, but I can't do it anymore
Not ever in this lifetime, again, with you...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hurting Girl

Look at that girl
With tears in her eyes
And she wipes them away
Trying to keep her hurt disguised
No matter what she does, though
And no matter how hard she tries
She's human and heartbroken.

Why does love come and go?
Why do we love when we know
That it's going away
It's going away soon, so...

She sits there all alone
Rocking herself hoping he'll call
There's just a glimpse of hope
That to his common sense, he'll fall
And then the pain returns
And she just can't handle it all
She's human and heartbroken.

Why does love come and go?
Knowing that we'll clench onto it and hold
It's just not right, it's all so wrong
Because it's going away, going away soon, so....

She gets enough nerve to go out on the town
Pitifully hoping to fall in love again
And she's just let down
To the touch of giving herself to anyone
She's just a lost child wanting to be held
As the tears stream down her face, with the same old frown
From being human and heartbroken.

Why did love come and go?
Why do we love when we know
That it's going away, it's all so wrong
It's gone away, so....

No Longer Your's

Why are you trying to come back?
Why are you trying to crawl back to me?
I don't understand you
And I don't know what you want
But I'm not going back to you again
Just so you can tell me to leave
You must not understand
You killed my heart and hurt me in the worst way
I honestly thought you had changed
But you just tricked me once more
And you reeled me in
Just to push me away
I'm so damaged now and it's all your fault
I gave you all of me and loved you more than ever
But you slammed the door in my face
Scared the hell out of me
And the life I'd always dreamed would be
With you will never live to see forever
You did all of this to me
Why can't you just let me be?
What is it that you want?
You want me to let you back in
Only to hurt me once again?
I'd be a fool to let you do that to me
So I'm asking you nicely
Just go and let me live my life
Whether I want to drink it all away
Or spend it giving God praise
No longer am I your concern
My life isn't your's, my life is mine.

New Direction

You are so hard to read
I can't even see
And I can't even tell
What it is you see or feel about me
I want to give myself to you
But you can't even impress me
For so long I've had my eye on you
Wanted you and couldn't forget about you
Just knowing if we were alone
You would know exactly what to do
At least make a move
But perhaps, I've mistaken
You're not the guy that I thought I would've taken
My heart for your own and seal it with protection
I'm seeing that how I envisioned you
Definitely, needs correction
I'll see you when I see you
Because I'm headed in a new direction...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Rapped Up Desires

Let me tell you what I want
Tell you what I need
I need a sweet chocolate brotha that's down for me
He doesn't have to be brown, he can be vanilla bean
Just as long as his eyes are focused on me
He can be a big talker, if his talk's not cheap
Gotta set a good example, say yes and please
Not that south slang talk, love & hip hop's Scrappy
He's gotta have a big heart, cause my love ain't free
But most of all he's gotta be
God's gift just for me.

I don't know how else to say it
But I've been right here before
Had someone walk in my life
Then turn and walk right out the door
I don't have time for those games
I need a man who is mature
Who can pray right, work right and play right
And be the only one he adores

I'm just setting the record straight
I don't want to say it twice
If you try to fool me once
I promise, I won't play nice
This ain't a poker game or black jack
No homie, I ain't throwing dice
I just don't want to get my heart broken

Just be an honest man
And do the best you can
And when times get hard
Believe me, I'll be your biggest fan
Just believe that you can
And trust in the Man
To provide all you need
Even when you forget to ask him to hold onto your hand
Make some reasonable plans
And just give the command
To love you, put a ring on it
And I'll do all that I can

To love you
Cherish you
Not worship and adore you
But be there for you
And care for you
When nobody else will want to
Pray for you
And encourage you
Anytime you need
Because I was made by God
With a purpose
So trust and don't be deceived
Please believe!

Sunday, May 5, 2013


I'm choked up and I can't even speak
Because of this ongoing thought of you leaving me
Oh wait! that did happen, how could you do that to me?
You took my love for granted like I was giving it away from free
I'm gasping for air, I can't even breathe
I never thought I would experience such cruelty
Especially from love, a part of me
I loved you for you, why didn't you love me for me?
I can only imagine and dream
Of escaping and fleeing
From this heartache that is awful and excruciating
It's all still so hard to believe
That you could turn your back, walk away and leave
All you ever did was deceive
Weren't you supposed to cleave?
Yet I'm here all alone in a bucket of tears
With all of these memories and a life I'm trying to retrieve.

I do know that I'll survive and release the pain
And the tears on my face will eventually unstain
A better and more hopeful life I'll gain
And the memories of you will fade away
My life will be reframed
New people, grace and mercy will come my way
Yes! Yes! I know there will be brighter days.
The sun will appear and the rain will fade
The clouds will reform and turn white from gray
A new life for me is coming, yet I will remain the same
And someone will appreciate and be glad that I came....

Came to the reality that this won't last forever
There will be great and new endeavors
No we don't have to be together
For me to enjoy this change in the weather
And regardless of if you ever
Admit that you were wrong and not that clever
Just know that you did me a favor
By letting me fly away like a feather
For us to be done is for the better
And know that I will never
Make the same mistake again, no not ever!
And my heart will eventually beat normal and get better
All because you couldn't keep your promise to forever...

But I'm a survivor and won't be taken
By a fool or a snake and
When I make it through this I will proclaim, then
That my heart was once shaken
Because you were faking
And pretending to love me, yes I was forsaken
But my heart is now mended
And I'm done with the sad, sorrowful feelings
I'm finally feeling again
And no longer heartbroken...