Monday, May 27, 2013

Lost In Transition

Sad one day
Happy the next
Not knowing how I should feel
When I receive a text
Everything's a wreck
But why does it have to be
I didn't create any of this
It just all happened to me
I'm so confused...going here and there
When the truth is, I just want to flee
I can't take this anymore
You win! Just take it all away from me!
I'm a loser! I give up! I'm no longer in position
To give love anymore....I'm lost with you. I'm lost without you.
I'm simply lost in transition.

I used to love hard
I used to love to love some more
But you took that from me
I can't love anymore
One minute you make me feel great
The next minute you make me sick
Now when I have the chance to get close to anyone
I start to panic
I drink to make the pain go away
But the truth is, the pain remains
My heart is forever damaged
I'm emotionally stained and drained
Why is this all happening?
Can't I do a new rendition?
I wish I could do it all over without you
So I wouldn't be lost in this transition.

So now we're here
I hate you so much
I never thought I'd ever feel that way about you
I dream of hurting you and such
You obviously don't have a heart
I'm not sure you ever had one in your possession
I imagine if you did
You would have thought twice about your decisions
My heart hopes you feel all of this pain
And that you experience all you've put me through
Maybe then, just maybe then
We can call it a truce
I hope someone severely breaks your heart
I hope you are left standing with nothing in your possession
I hope you cry until our heart bursts out
And I hope you get to feel what it's like to be lost in transition.

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