Monday, April 22, 2013

Healing Hurts

Healing hurts
Especially when it's you
That had nothing to do
With the relationship being through
It hurts even more
When you've given labor
To two kids you have to provide for
And he shows you the door.
It hurts like hell
Because for some reason you've failed
And when your kids ask questions
The truth, you can't even tell.
Yes, my heart is dying
But it gasps for air when times are worst
That's the pain I feel inside
When healing hurts.

Healing hurts
When you just can't explain
Why your heart is stained
Because the knife went through your back, causing heart's pain
It feels like a crime
When you've given so much of your life
Now you want to rewind
Just to get back some of that time
It's just not fair
As much as you want to clear the air
It will never go away
And the pain will always be there
You want to move on with your life
But you feel like you've been cursed
That's what keeps you from moving on
When healing hurts.

But the hurting has to cease
The sexual temptation needs a release
The feeling is so addictive
But this doesn't feel like me
Needing a companion
Loving every man
This is not my heart's desire
How did I get myself here? Damn...
Then I think I want you back
Forgetting your selfish and damaging track
How can I forgive the past
And in fear, my heart beats excruciatingly fast
My thoughts drift off far away
And again I feel like I'm back in a hearse
This is the never ending feeling
When healing hurts.

Then I see Him
My Father, it's the Son
Who picks me up in His arms
And suddenly I feel safe at home
He wipes my tears away
And tells me there will be no more pain
He has taken the permanent stain
So this new life I can gain
"Just focus on me
And you will begin to see
That the pain will disappear
And from it, I'll set you free!"
Just like that, it was gone
The pain, heartache and the worst
No longer do I experience
When the healing hurts.

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