Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Yesterday's Thoughts of You

I thought of you yesterday
And the tears began to fall
I think because of my heartache
And the pain from it all.
Still wondering how you could do this to me
When I forgave you for everything
You were my life, my love
Hell, I gave you every piece of me.
But you were still so evil
And you threw everything we had away
To your children, to your wife
How could you treat us this way?
I'm not just hurt by you
I'm mad as hell
That after all I've forgiven you for
You could selfishly bid me farewell.
Sometimes I just sit and cry
Questioning why you did me so wrong
When I should really be questioning
Why I put up with it for so long.
Perhaps it's because I was so in love
I just couldn't clearly see
All the wrong you were doing in our life
And how it could all come back to bite me.
But I tried to do what was right
Tried to love you like a good Christian wife
And you killed my heart, burned my trust
It felt like you were cutting me with a knife.
Now I'm left to pick up the pieces
Because you never would
You're not even showing up in our kid's lives
Like you've been called to do and should.
Well, it's over now
You and I are long gone
A new chapter opens for me
As I figure out just how to move on....

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